With more than 25 years of experience in representing ultra-precision machining solutions and LHC’s exclusive partnership with AMETEK Precitech we are delighted to announce LHC as our representative for the Taiwanese CNC market. Together with a highly skilled and motivated team for sales, technical support and product service Mr. Chang – president of LHC – his team and Levicron are looking forward to a mutual successful future in Taiwan.
For Taiwan:
Long Hong International Hightech Co., Ltd.
黃千萬 Ben Huang / Sales Manager
1F., No.37, Ln. 80, Sec. 3, Nangang Rd., Nangang Dist.
Taipei City 11570, Taiwan
Tel.: +886 2 2651 3618
Fax: +886 2 2783 6778
Mobile: +886 988 378252
E-mail: sales@syms.com.tw
Read more in our Newsletter for August 2015 Newsletter.
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