One test cycle, four properties and reports
No need of multiple set ups and test cycles
Report details and properties can be blend in and out.
Product serial based
Once a product serial is loaded, all data and protocols are stored and available in a single place
About ShakesBear’s
“Dynamic Spindle Properties” (DSP) Module:
Zwei Systeme (ShakesBear, Hamlet & ShakesBear, Othello), eine Software
15 years experience in spindle testing included: All test methods and modules are based on Levicron’s needs and experience in developping ultra-precision spindle solutions. This not only makes sure that you get the essentials of 15 years experience in testing spindles, but also that all methods are verified and perfectly matched.
One test cycle, four properties and reports:
With a single test run all data is acquired for
– Dynamic tool run-out,
– Spindle vibrations,
– Spindle asynchronous errors and a
– Resonance map
with spindle speed and evaluated, continuously displayed and by a single click stored as raw data and protocols in the product folder.
Selectable display and report features: You or your customer are only intereseted in specific, but not all features? Then you can blend in and out single properties for the protocol or even during the test run. Along with your custom logo, the protocol is tailored to your needs.
Seriennummerbasierte Datenbank- und Dateibehandlung und -verwaltung: Nachdem Sie ein Produkt mit seinen Eigenschaften definiert haben und ihm eine Seriennummer zuteilen, handhabt das übergeordnete AIOG egenständig Datenbank-, Datei- Protokollvorgänge. Nach dem Laden einer Seriennummer weiß das AIOG alles über ihre Produkt und verwaltet Daten und Ergebnisse zentral und permanent im Produktordner.Customized Database (and naming): The customizable database allows to simply use your own products definition. When you create or load a serial number, the system would use your own naming for the AIOG, reports and file/folder naming without any editing
With a single test cycle ShakesBear’s Spindle Dynamics Properties (DSP) Module allows you to generate data and protocols of
- the dynamic tool run-out,
- spindle vibrations,
- spindle asynchronous errors and
- a resonance map
with spindle speed using the high-resolution, high-bandwidth capacitive sensor and accelerometer. By using the bandwidth vibrations up to 15 kHz can be analyzed and changes in distance of down to 1nm using the resolution. As all product
properties are handed over by its serial number and the
module, all filters, value ranges, namings and folders are automatically set, but can be adjusted using the expert mode. After loading a product serial number in the
AIOG, you only have to adjust and set the capacitive sensor and receive all reports and results by ramping the spindle up or down.
Your Contact
Do you have any questions, need further information or want to purchase one of our products? Great! Then contact us at any time