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– Ultra-precise tool holders with HSK interface according to DIN 69893 –

Tool holder series “UTS25″

About our tool holder series “UTS-x” – what to expect
First DIN69893-5 (HSK-E) tool holder series for ultra-precision machining
Static run-out at tool < 0.8 micron (if used with our spindle solutions),
Axial/radial Repeatability < 0.2 micron (if used with our spindle solutions)
Balance quality (G0.3 mm/s at 60,000 rpm) 20 times better than industry standard
Available sizes:
HSK-E 20 (UTS20, DIN69893-5)
HSK-E 25 (UTS25, DIN69893-5)
HSK-E 32 (UTS32, DIN69893-5)
HSK-E 40 (UTS40, DIN69893-5)

An ultra-low tool run-out at any speed and vibration level are crucial to generate ultra-precision parts with sub-micron shape accuracies and surface finishes under 5 nm Ra. Along with the introduction of our ultra-precision tool spindles it became clear that commercially available tool holders would ruin their properties. Where run-out at the tool was determined to be within 3-10 micron, their balance quality with G8 mm/s at 25,000 rpm as an average was beyond bad. Thus we decided to use or own spindles and machining technologies to generate a tool holder series that suits and supports ultra-precision demands. We created dedicated balancing rigs featuring our spindles to not only balance our tool holders at conditions you could later find in the machining set up, but at nominal speeds and with a tool clamp repeatabilty of under 200 nm.

An these properties you now can also use in your machining solution. With a standard taper interface according to DIN69893-5 and thermal shrinking technology, you can rely on ultra-low vibration levels even at higher spindle speeds, balance qualities 20 times better than the industry standard and a run-out at the tool of under 0.8 micron. Don’t let your tool holder solution ruin your machining results, use our ultra-precision tool holder series UTS-x!

Our UTS-x tool holder series is available for HSK-E 20, HSK-E 25, HSK-E 32 and HSK-E 40 taper interfaces and different tool shank diameters. Becasue thermal shrinking is the only way to get to the stated repeatability values, only carbide tools with shank tolerance h5 or smaller can be used.

UTS-x tool holder series (DIN69893-5) and bespoke balancing rig

What does “UTS-x” mean?

“UTS-x” is an acronym for “ Ultra-precision  Thermal  Shrinking”.

Known issues with standard HSK-tool holders
  • With a officially stated tool run-out of 3 micron in DIN69893, this value is approximately 2.5 times larger than the verified run-out with our UTS-x. This does not match the taper run-out of our spindles with under 100 nm. In countless test we found out that the so called industry standard can vary from 2 to 10 micron. No matter how good the spindle is, standard tool holders will make your tool clamping inconsistent and worse.
  • The shaft of our ASD-H25 tool spindle is balanced in three planes to G0.05 mm/s at 20,000 rpm. In comparison, the balancing quality of a tool holder according to DIN 69893 is G2.5 mm/s at 25,000 rpm, which is 40 times higher. Even worse: In countless trials we got an avaerage of G8mm/s at 25,000 rpm as an average for commercially available tool holders. No matter how good your spindle shaft is balanced, a standard tool holder would not allow to do high-speed or ultra-precision machining.
  • Shape errors of the taper and the axial face of a standard tool holder can easily exceed 0.5 µm. The measured and guaranteed taper run-out of our spindle shafts on the other hand are below 100 nm. Using standard tool holder solutions would thus add 0.5 micron repeatability to your error budget.
UTS-x at a glance

Bespoke tool, grinding wheel and flycutter adaptors with DIN69893-5 interface
Grinding wheel adaptors

for small to medium size grinding wheels

Fly-cutter adaptor

for medium to large fly cutter discs

Shrink fit holder, radially adjustable

The manufacturing of diamond tools does not allow to get the radius midpoint of the tool exactly onto the rotation axis. Thus we developped a radially adjustable shrink-fit solution with DIN69893 interface and balancing bores to compensate for this tool error.

Data Sheets
UTS-20 (HSK-E 20)
UTS-25 (HSK-E 25)
UTS-32 (HSK-E 32)
UTS-40 (HSK-E 40)

Tool holder “UTS32”

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Do you have any questions, need further information or want to purchase one of our products? Great! Then contact us at any time.

Oliver Moeller