
Our latest newsletter is in your mailbox. For all those who have not yet received it, please subscribe at https://levicron.com/aktuelles?lang=en or just download the latest version athttps://levicron.com/News/16_08/en/News_Levicron_16-08_en.pdf.

Beside exciting news about our recently founded Levicron Ltd. in the UK we present our new spindle development UASD-H40 – the world’s first high-pressure aerostatic full-range tool spindle with HSK-E40 tool clamping system for rough and finish machining at up to 60,000 rpm

You also will be given information about upcoming trade shows like the this year’s AMB (Stuttgart), IMTS (Chicago) and JIMTOF (Tokyo) as well as new open vacancies at Levicron.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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