
Along with our current trade show calendar and a presentation of our spindle service this newsletter is dealing with our spindle integration service for CNC and Ultra-Precision Machine Tools. It is obvious that for a perfect interaction of machine and spindle not only a perfect spindle is necessary. Beside a proper mechanical integration things like chiller, drive and machine safety need to take care of. Over the last few years we were able to identify the best components to work with our spindles and can now offer a comrehesive spindle integration service, including:

  • Drive and Drive Optimization
  • Chiller and Chiller Optimization
  • Machine Safety Integration
  • Encoder Optimization to work with machine control
  • Wiring and Testing

Newsletter Content:

  • Spindle Integration Kit and Service for Ultra-Precision Machine Tools
  • Spindle Integration Kit and Service for CNC Machine Tools
  • Service and Delivery quality for Levicron products
  • Levicron recently exhibited at Optatec Show in Frankfurt


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[stm_contacts_widget title=”CONTACT DETAILS” address=”Levicron GmbH, Sauerwiesen 6, 67661 Kaiserslautern, Germany” phone=”+49 (0) 6301 66800 – 0″ fax=”+49 (0) 6301 66800 – 910″ email=”info@levicron.com”]