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Alexander Chilton from AZO Network recently interviewed Dr. Jeff Roblee, Technical Director of AMETEK Precitech, about the steeply increasing number of light management applications for the production of domestic and traffic lighting.

Beside a brief overview of the global market Jeff presents Precitech new fleet of ultra-precision machine tools like their new MGG (Micro Groove Generator) trageting on light management applications. Their new series of Drum Roll Lathes now also can use cost effective aerostatic spindles and are used to micro-structure drums for imprinting LED panels.


  • Overview of the global lighting industry and current trends and applications
  • Ultra-precision machine tools as machining solution
  • Precitechs answer to current trends on the global market
  • Future requirements for the machining of lighting components




Publisher: AZO Network
Journal / Issue: AZO-Materials, 15-10
Interviewer / Author: Alexander Chilton / Dr. Jeff Roblee
Date: June 10th 2015

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