Ultra-precision machining still lacks of automation and results highly depend on the operator. LT-Ultra’s new MMC-900H bridges several gaps at the same time.
Beside ultra-precision positioning capability and thermal control it comprises of an automated tool changer for HSK-E25 tool holders and a laser tool setting system. Also they use the right tool spindle for this machine tool …
- Overview of ultra-precision technology and parts
- Presentation of an automated HSK-E25 chain loader
- Presentation of an automated laser tool setting system
- Verified accuracies and stability
- Parts, metrology and results
Journal “Mikroproduktion”, contact details:
LT-Ultra GmbH, contact details:
[stm_project_details style=”style_2″ title=”DETAILS” css=”.vc_custom_1460713914431{margin-bottom: 41px !important;}”][stm_project_details_item label=”Publisher:” value=”MIKROvent GmbH”][stm_project_details_item label=”Journal / Issue:” value=”Mikroproduktion / 06-2015″][stm_project_details_item label=”Author:” value=”Dr. Kai Schmidt, Dr. Kurt Haskic (LT-Ultra GmbH)”][stm_project_details_item label=”Date:” value=”22. März 2015″][/stm_project_details][stm_icon_button icon=”fa fa-file-pdf-o” css=”.vc_custom_1462465784558{margin-bottom: 20px !important;}” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mikroproduktion.com%2Fuploads%2Fmedia%2F28-33-MI6_15_LT_Ultra-online.pdf|title:GET%20PAPER|target:%20_blank”]
[stm_contacts_widget title=”CONTACT DETAILS” address=”LT-Ultra Precision GmbH, Wiesenstr. 9, 88634 Herdwangen-Schoenach” phone=”+49 (0) 7552 40599 – 0″ fax=”+49 (0) 7552 40599 – 50″ email=”kai.schmidt@lt-ultra.com”]
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