

Watch components require highest precision, mirror surface finish and highest spindle speeds to machine engravings. Of course a fast tool change and work loading makes sure that productivity with multiple tools remains high.

Company Roeders presents a very neat application video with one of our ASD-H25A at 90.000 rpm machining a watch component.


  • Diamond Machining of inverse radii and large faces with mirror surface finish
  • Diamond Flycutting of large faces with mirror surface finish
  • Engraving at high-speed
  • Custom work holding


[stm_project_details style=”style_2″ title=”DETAILS” css=”.vc_custom_1460713914431{margin-bottom: 41px !important;}”][stm_project_details_item label=”User:” value=”Roeders GmbH, Soltau”][stm_project_details_item label=”Hardware:” value=”Machine Tool: Roeders RHP500; Tool Spindle: Levicron ASD090H25A”][stm_project_details_item label=”Contact Person:” value=”Mr. Juergen Roeders”][stm_project_details_item label=”Datum:” value=”August 2014″][/stm_project_details][stm_icon_button icon=”fa fa-file-pdf-o” css=”.vc_custom_1460885040103{margin-bottom: 20px !important;}” link=”|title:ZUM%20PAPER|target:%20_blank”]
[stm_contacts_widget title=”CONTACT DETAILS” address=”Roeders GmbH, Scheibenstr. 6, 29614 Soltau” phone=”+49 (0) 5191 603 – 43″ fax=”+49 (0) 5191 603 – 38″ email=”info@roeders.de”]