While our original website was continuously maintained, we was preparing a new in parallel.
Ralf Dupont explains the principle of genetic based, multi-objective optimzation of entire spindle systems.
Jake Wilkinson from AZO Network recently interviewed Dr. Ralf Dupont from Levicron GmbH about their aerostatic tool spindles with ultra-precision properties becoming popular in intern. CNC-Machining
Jake Wilkinson from AZO Network recently interviewed Dr. Ralf Dupont from Levicron GmbH about their aerostatic tool spindles with ultra-precision properties becoming popular in intern. CNC-Machining
Lavicron finally have moved into their new building
Levicron hat mit dem Bau seiner neuen Produktionsstätte und Verwaltungsgebäude begonnen
Beside news about upcoming tradeshows, the status of our new building you can find information about our new spindle analyzing system "ShakesBear". With this new system dynamic run-out, error-motion and spindle dynamics can be measured at speeds of up to 100.000 rpm and stored in a data base.
Levicron have just started the construction work for their new facility and office building
Levicron exhibited at international leading machine tool exhibitions AMB in Stuttgart, Germany, and JIMTOF in Tokyo, Japan
We would like to welcome everybody who is interested in spindle technology or CNC machining to our booth at this year's AMB show in Stuttgart!
In the course of our continuous expansion we are looking for skilled and motivated engineers to become permanent members of our assembly team
With our first newsletter for this year we would like to present our patented integral HSK clamping system SLH-x with which Levicron has addressed issues every spindle manufactuer has to face with if a spring-based or spring-less HSK clamping system is used. Upcoming tradeshows will give you the ...
Within our current newsletter we would like to inform you about upcoming tradeshows like the EMO in Hannover or the annual ASPE conference in Charlotte, NC. Our new developments UASD-H25 and UASD-H40 feature our new high-pressure aerostatic technology we would like to explain in more detail.
Stress tests with our new UASD-H25/A in hardened steel and copper - modified ASD-H25/A with 20 bar bearing pressure for rough machining ...
In the course of our continuous expansion Levicron is looking for two new experienced members of our assembly and system test as well as service team ...
Fukuda Corporation has become Levicrons representatives for CNC spindle products in Japan ...
In the course of our continuous expansion Levicron is looking for a skilled and experienced milling machine operator and setter ...
In the course of our continuous expansion Levicron is looking for an experienced new member of our assembly and system test team ...
Levicron exhibited at this year's JIMTOF in Tokyo. On Display way our new full-range aerostatic CNC tool spindle UASD-H40, our ultra-precision models ASD-H25 and ASD-Cx as well as our ultra-precision work-holding solution ASD-Px with optional HSK-A63 tool Interface (ASD-PH63M) ...